Funerals and Memorial Services
The death of a loved one is a time both for sorrow and for thanksgiving. A Christian funeral commends the departed into the loving care of God. From love we come and to love we return, and the funeral service celebrates the life of a loved one and provides a structure for giving thanks for the person’s life and gifts. St George’s parish community has been a place of solace and comfort for over 150 years and we invite you to consider this sacred space to say your farewells to a loved one.
Standing and weeping beside the grave of his friend Lazarus, Jesus said:
"I am the resurrection and life," says the Lord. "Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet will they live." Gospel of John 11.25-26
St George's Funeral Brochure (268kB)
Funeral Planning Sheet (94kB)
Funeral Service (158kB)
St George's Garden of Remembrance Brochure (435kB)
Church Service
The service is conducted by the Vicar or other clergy and follows Anglican customs.
The Holy Eucharist may be celebrated if requested. This is especially suitable when someone has been an active member of the Church. The Vicar will consult with the family to select the readings and prayers as well as music and hymns if included.
Members of the family will be invited to take part in the service if that is their wish. When arrangements are finalised an Order of Service is prepared and printed.
Members of the parish arrange fresh flowers in the Church each week. If extra flowers are required this can be arranged at an additional cost.
Garden of Remembrance
The Garden of Remembrance at St George's stands as a witness to the Christian belief in the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and to our assurance that we share in that resurrection to eternal life. Provision has been made for the ashes of those who have died in that Faith to be interred in the Garden.
Relatives may have details of the life of the deceased recorded in a Book of Memory which is kept in the archives. A yearly remembrance of the Departed is observed on the Sunday preceding the anniversary of their death.
Interment of Ashes
Ashes are interred rather than scattered. The Garden is a common grave therefore permanent memorials or plaques are not accepted and individual ashes are not recoverable.
A Certificate of Cremation is required before the ashes can be accepted.
Fee: The fee for the interment of ashes and inscription in the Book of Memory is $220 (including GST)
Hall or Room Hire
The St George's Centre may be hired for the service of refreshments following the service. Suitable caterers can be recommended.
Arrangements for hire are made through the Church Office in consultation with the clergy. All brochures and forms can be accessed via the Facility Hire tab.